Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How Long People Save his/her Jeans?

How Long People Save his/her Jeans?

LONDON - Since discovered in the 1850s, jeans have been well known by the public as? Pants tough? and comfortable to wear. So unfortunately, people in jeans, many of which still survive despite his/her favorite jeans had torn. But do you know how long people can survive to save a pair of jeans in his/her closet?.

A survey conducted by the Lakeside Shopping Center in Essex, England revealed that approximately two million people of England states still have favorite jeans he/she bought 40 years ago. As reported by the Telegraph, Wednesday (7/10/2009), the reason people keep jeans is because jeans model is never timeless model of all time and never out of date.

The reason stated was that approximately 48 respondents. But there are other reasons expressed by the respondents. Approximately eight percent of respondents in the UK, the favorite jeans store only to remember the romance of the first date. In addition, another reason is expressed, among others, is as hyper lose weight. One in three women known to deliberately keep the old jeans it so hoping to get back if mengenakkannya body size becomes thin again. Not only that, jeans stored in their closets, because jeans are the most comfortable pants ever owned. The survey also revealed that the average adult in the UK has approximately five pairs of jeans, but others have 10 to 20 pair of jeans.

(source: okezone)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

List of Foods that Help to Lower Cholesterol

List of Foods that Help to Lower Cholesterol

List of foods that help to lower cholesterol can be a long list of foods. By knowing what list of foods that help to lower cholesterol are better for your health. We all know that butter, ice cream, and fatty meats raise cholesterol, but do you know which foods make up a low cholesterol diet?

Here’s some good news. To lower your cholesterol, you can actually eat more of certain foods. A handful of some “functional foods” have been shown to make a big impact on your cholesterol levels. They’re also much tastier than a pill chased with a glass of water.

The list of foods that help to lower cholesterol:

Baked goods:
Whole grain or enriched breads and rolls; low-fat or homemade muffins, pancakes, waffles, and biscuits using polyunsaturated margarine or oil and non-fat milk.

Home recipes use weekly egg allowance or use egg whites and egg substitutes.

Corn, soft flour made with unsaturated oils.

Pasta & Rice:
Noodles, spaghetti, macaroni, brown rice (preferred), white rice, wild riceCereals: cooked or dry (unsweetened preferred), oats and bran, barleyCrackers/Snacks: unsalted crackers, pretzels, popcorn prepared with air popper or mono/polyunsaturated oil.

Lean meats:
Trim visible fat, limit to one 3 oz serving per meat, five meals per week, beef (round, sirloin, chuck, loin, super lean hamburg/ground beef); lamb (leg, arm, loin); pork (tenderloin, fresh leg, shoulder-arm, picnic); veal (all trimmed cuts except commercially ground).

Chicken and turkey with skin removed.

Egg whites and low cholesterol egg substitutes; Step-1 limit, 4 egg yolks per week; Step-2 limit, one egg yolk per week.

Organ meats:
Liver for Step-1, limit to one 3 to 4 oz serving per week in place of one whole egg.

Swordfish, mackerel, albacore tuna, salmon, walleye, pollack, blue; Step-1: shrimp, eel, oysters, squid limited to one serving per week.

Step-1: skim or part-skim milk cheese such as mozzarella, ricotta, bakers, farmers, hoop, low-fat (1%) cottage cheese, and pot cheese; special low-fat/low cholesterol cheeses.
Step-2: low-fat (1%) cottage cheese, pot cheese, part-skim ricotta, Weight Watchers, Swiss.

Wild game:
Elk, deer (venison), pheasant, rabbit, wild duck, squirrel.

Dried beans, peas, lentils; tofu; peanut butter – limit to 2 Tbsp a day.

Skim, non-fat (fluid, powered, evaporated, condensed), buttermilk, lactose-reduced, and sweet acidophilus made from skim milk.

Made from skim or non-fat milk.

Only those containing polyunsaturated oils.

More list of foods that help to lower cholesterol:

Fruits and vegetables.
Vegetables: fresh, frozen, or low-sodium canned; low-sodium tomato and vegetable juices.
Fruit: fresh, unsweetened dried fruits; canned or frozen packed in water, own juice or light syrup preferred; all fruit juices (unsweetened preferred).

Polyunsaturated fats:
Sunflower, safflower, corn, soybean, cottonseed, sesame oils; monounsaturated fats canola, olive, peanut oils.

Made with unsaturated fats, with liquid oil the first ingredient; tub margarine preferred over stick.

Salad dressings:
Made with unsaturated oils.

Seeds and nuts:
Unsalted pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, any nuts not on the avoid list.

Homemade baked goods made with unsaturated oils or margarine, skim or 1% milk, and egg substitute or egg whites; gelatin; angel food cake; ginger snaps; fruit ice, fruit whips, sorbet, sherbet – lime two 1/2 cup servings per week; low-fat frozen desserts; puddings, custards, or junkets made with non-fat milk and egg allowances.

Sparkling or mineral water, seltzer, club soda – unsweetened preferred; coffee; tea; PostumSoups & sauces: fat-free, low-salt broth, consomme, and bouillon; homemade soup skimmed of fat; cream soup and sauces made with non-fat milk and fat allowance.

Other: spices, herbs, pepper, lemon juice, garlic & onion powder, Tabasco, catsup, mustard, vinegar, relishes, jam, jelly, marmalade (unsweetened).

More effective ways to lower cholesterol levels, considering seeking the advice of a nutritionist. With the list of foods that help to lower cholesterol above you can make a balanced menu and control your cholesterol level.

(source: dietcenterUSA)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Strange Discoveries in Our Earth

Strange Discoveries in Our Earth
(Believe it or not is your right)

This world is getting older, do not be mistaken for the better. Before this world began old, there are also many strangers. Proven strange things in discovery. Human giant, giant animals, etc. Although no clear explanation of where these images, well ... for information only... this picture existed.

(source: gambarindunk)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Without this Person "Phonecell Never Existed"

Without this Person "Phonecell Never Existed"

No discovery, no one will ever pitch while calling her/his cell phone. He has made a business (mobile phone) is formed and became a business. "(Frank Vigilante of Amos Joel Jr., inventor of" switching "phone," New York Times ")

Modern human civilization inevitable discovery rests on two very powerful technologies, namely Internet and cell phones (mobile). Both technologies on human beings is now the mainstay of communication, career, business, and other activities.

In the case of the Internet, people familiar with the discoverer figures, like Bob Taylor, an expert psikoakustik and Computer Research Program Director at the Defense's Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) in 1966. During that period he got the idea to connect the computers in the network. In addition to Taylor, there was Larry Robert, a pioneer in computer networking Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the only scientist in the U.S. who are considered capable of bringing Taylor envisioned a network. Of course there is Vint Cerf and his colleagues from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Meanwhile, the mobile communication world, there is a cell phone inventor Martin Cooper, who was then-35 years ago, exactly 3 April 1973, working at Motorola. People can still listen to Cooper's dream, to imagine that such a small size device, mounted behind the ear, and dial automatically when the user intends someone call that number.

However, the focus this time not to Cooper, but on the other figure who was also instrumental in the development of mobile communications. This figure is none other than Amos E Joel Jr., pioneer connective system (switching) device from one cell region to another cell area. This switching should work when the phone user moves / move from one cell to another cell so that the conversation is not interrupted.

Since the discovery of this Joel Amos became comfortable using mobile phones.

In addition to the phone switching system, patented by the number 3,663,762, Joel also took part in the development of traffic service position system (TSPS) is used to automate your work phone and automatic intercept system (AIS) which was created to handle calls to numbers not active automatically.

Great inventors

Amos Joel Jr., who was born in Philadelphia, March 12, 1918, was recognized as a world expert in the field of switching. He received a bachelor degree (1940) and master's (1942) in electronic engineering from MIT. Shortly after the study, he began his career over 43 years (from July 1940-March 1983) at Bell Telephone Laboratories, where he received more than 70 U.S. patents in the field of telecommunications, particularly in the field of switching.

Joel, who this year entered in the National Inventors Hall of Fame, died Saturday, October 25, at his home in Maplewood, New Jersey, in the age of 90 years.

Mobile phone users worldwide can now contemplate, what Joel contribution in today's mobile civilization. This is concluded by Frank Vigilante, who had become one of Joel supervisor at Bell Labs in the quotation above.

Lesson for inventors

Joel can be a great inventor of course because it has a high intelligence, but other than that there is also another skill. Apparently since childhood brain Joel likes to manipulate electronic goods. As a boy, Andrew Martin said the obituary in the New York Times, Joel communication systems are often assembled for his friends, using old phone equipment that was left in an empty apartment. He also tried to make a simple switching.

When he tells his career back to the newspaper The Star-Ledger in New Jersey several months ago, Joel said, the things he admired as a child and it is a connector (switch) on the electric toy train and turn the phone (dial) first in house.

"I want to know, how things work," he said.

While still in college, he met his wife, Rhoda Fenton-ago he had taken into his office to look at patents which he had collected.

After the date, Fenton thought Joel was crazy, but finally he received Joel and both were married for 58 years.

In addition to tinkering with the happy means of communication, Joel also enjoy teaching. After World War II, he developed and taught a course on switching systems and circuit design, until finally he found a means of first automatic telephone bill.

For services and contributions, an award winning Joel Inventor of the Year by the New Jersey Congress of Inventors, and received the highest award of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the Medal of Honor. Other awards he has ever received is the Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology (1989) and the National Medal of Technology (1993) and Stuart Ballantine Medal of the Franklin Institute.

As mobile communications become so vital in today's civilization, the contribution of Amos Joel memorabilia and technology and to cultivate habits that then produces a useful invention for mankind, truly enviable.

(source: aneh2)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

New Species, Rat Throughout Nearly One Meter

New Species, Rat Throughout Nearly One Meter

BEIJING, some scientists and film makers have discovered a new species of giant rat deep in the forests of Papua New Guinea, along with other animals that had never seen. Woolly mouse is eating the vegetables. The body is very large, with a length of 82 inches and weighs 1.5 kilograms. Its size makes these animal species including the largest rat ever known from around the world. Animals are found in the expedition team that made the film for the BBC program, Lost Land of the Volcano. However, rats are just one of dozens of new animals found under Bosavi volcano. The team also found a number of foreign spiders and 20 species of insects. "The center of attention include a chameleon, a fanged frog, and one species of fish called 'Henamo Grunter.' So named because the creature let out a purr of the air bag while swimming," said Steve Greenwood, the producer of the series Lost Land of the Volcano . The fanged frogs are only one of 16 new frog found. Inland toward the discovery of the animals was fairly difficult. The team spent several weeks to climb as high as 2800 meters with the aid of local trackers. However, once there, it's easy to find the creatures were.

(source: kompas)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Microchip Detect Cancer Early

Microchip Detect Cancer Early

TORONTO, the new breakthrough scientists continue to be developed in order to detect cancer early. The latest findings of scientists who developed Canada in this field resulted in a microchip that is sensitive enough to detect the type and level of cancer.

Although categorized as high-tech skills, without mentioning the price range of scientists claim to be a sophisticated device is quite affordable.

Times of India, Friday (2/10/2009) launch, a microchip has been successfully tested in detecting various examples of prostate cancer, head and neck. This device can also be used to diagnose other types of cancer and infectious diseases such as HIV and H1N1 flu.

In developing these microchips, scientists from the University of Toronto using nano materials for the first time to build a microchip sensitivity capabilities. This new device will make molecular diagnostic methods become more sophisticated and easily available.

"Innovation is an indication that the era of nano treatment has begun," said Professor David Naylor of the University of Toronto.

Naylor added, this device quickly lifting bio markers or biomarkers that be a clue that the presence of cancer is generally presented at low levels in biological samples.

The results of the analysis will be completed in 30 minutes. This process is much faster when compared with the analysis method by using a commonly used today.

"Today, computers take part in evaluating samples of clinical cancer biomarker," said Naylor.

(source: okezone)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jatropha Curcas Oil as Alternative Energy Sources

Jatropha Curcas Oil as Alternative Energy Sources

Energy crisis, particularly fuel-induced rise in world oil prices has led many countries need to find sources of alternative fuels that may be developed. One of the plants that have potential as a fuel source is a Jatropha curcas plant .

So far, only Jatropha curcas plant as a fence and not specifically sought. In agronomist, these plants can adapt to the land and Agro-climate plants can even grow well in dry conditions. Jatropha plant belonging to the recalcitrant and easy to grow, but there are problems in agribusiness today is the lack of superior varieties or clones, of limited availability of seeds, cultivation techniques and inadequate marketing and pricing systems that do not have standards.

By considering the potential of Jatropha curcas is easy to grow, can be developed as sources of alternative fuel producers on marginal lands can provide new hope agribusiness development. Profits in Jatropha cultivation in marginal lands, among others
  • to support land conservation efforts,
  • provide employment opportunities that have implications for income increases for farmers, and
  • provides procurement solutions fuel (biofuel).

Many species such as Jatropha curcas such as Ricinus communis, Jatropha podagrica, and gossypifolia Jatropha. Among the Jatropha curcas plant species which have potential as a producer of fuel oil (biofuel) is Jatropha curcas. Jatropha curcas has been known to the public in various regions of Indonesia, which since it was introduced by the Japanese in the 1942's, which was ordered to perform community investment as a fence yard distance. Some local name is given Jatropha fence lepada include Sundanese (rib distance, distance deaf), Java (bare distance, distance pager), Madura (kalekhe paghar), Bali (distance pager), Nusa Tenggara (lulu would , nail Kase, distance pageh), Alor (germ Nema), Sulawesi (rib distance, distance wolanda, bindalo, bintalo, Tondo utomene), Maluku (ai huwa Kamala, balacai, kadoto).

Jatropha curcas plants including family Euphorbiaceae, a family with rubber and cassava. The tree height of shrubs with plants from 1 to 7 m, branching irregularly. Stem woody, cylindrical sap when cut out. The leaves single leaf, curved, angled 3 or 5, bone menjari leaves with 5 to 7 primary bone, green leaf color (lower surface paler than the top). Petiole length between 4 to 15 cm. Greenish-yellow flowers, a flower-shaped compound panicle, married one. Male flowers and female flowers are arranged in a series of cup-shaped, rod tip up or axillary leaves.

Fruit of fruit oval box, diameter 2 to 4 cm, green when young and yellow when ripe. Curcas atropha Fruit divided each 3 spaces - each room filled with 3 seeds. Oval-shaped seeds, dark brown color. This is what a lot of seeds containing oil with yield of about 30 - 40% Jatropha curcas start flowering after 3 - 4 months, whereas the formation of the fruit began at age 4 to 5 months. Harvest when the fruit is ripe, the fruit characterized by yellow skin and then began to dry. Ripe fruit is usually after the age of 5 - 6 months. Jatropha curcas is an annual plant that can live more than 20 years (if maintained properly). Although the seed market and crude oil open, it does not mean business Jatropha curcas without constraints. The maturity of the fruit was not simultaneous, sucking a lot of labor. The high price of oil processing machine Jatropha curcas is also a barrier. The engine capacity to 200 kg per day, one of the engine manufacturers to fix prices-Rp40 million ($ 4000). Cause, not the engine manufacturer production mass. Indeed, planters can be so much lighter Share.

There currently are processing their own planters Jatropha curcas seeds. Many planters who have been harvesting, but they use the seeds for the expansion of planting only.

(source: ppht)