Rising oil prices in global markets, making the price of kerosene for the most public consumption, rare and expensive on the market. For some country the difficulty was not only until there, rising oil prices also caused the price of trade in goods and services also rose.
Briquette is a solid fuel formed from the mixing of organic waste composing with glue and other substances that could be useful in combustion. Manufacture of charcoal briquettes can be one alternative answer difficulty kerosene fuel.
Briquette is a solid fuel formed from the mixing of organic waste composing with glue and other substances that could be useful in combustion. Manufacture of charcoal briquettes can be one alternative answer difficulty kerosene fuel.
Type Briquette
1. Carbonization Type (super), this type of prior experience before becoming varbonization process of briquette. Carbonization process flying substances contained in the coal briquette is derived as low as possible so that the final product does not smell of smoke, but the production costs to increase because of the coal occurs yield of 50%. These briquettes suitable for use for household use and more secure in its use.
2. Non-carbonization Type (usually), this species is not carbonated before being processed into the fixed briquette prixe and cheaper. Because the substance was contained in the flight use it to better use the stove (no stove) that will result in complete combustion where all substances that come flying from the briquette will burn down by the stove flame surface. These briquettes are generally used for small industries.

Type and size of briquette
1. Eggs: chicken eggs for
2. Cubes: 12.5 x 12.5 x 5 cm
3. Form cylinder: 7 cm (height) x 12 cm diameter
Egg form suitable briquettes for household or restaurant, while the form of cubes and cylinder used for small industry / medium.
Making briquettes from peanut shells began with the burning. After the charcoal, peanut shells are still intact then milled form. The next process, peanut shells charcoal powder was mixed with starch glue mixture, then pressed for printing. Mixing between shells powder mixture with starch glue required 10:1 ratio, so each 10 kilograms of powdered peanut shells need two pounds of starch glue to be pressed into the desired briquette mold. After the briquettes printed, then dried in the sun to dry.
Of the entire production process of organic waste briquettes that, burned which took a long time, approximately two and a half hours. When done burning it, we should really watch the whole process, can not be left having to constantly supervised, do not let the fire die because later will fail. But the fire can not be left to live (grow) as a burnt peanut shells will become ashes, when it can not be contrived ashes into powder. Tricky, indeed. For that he should always watch carefully when the combustion process is taking place through the smoke produced from burning it.
One kilogram of briquettes containing 20-25 seeds sold at Rp 1,500 (15cents). The briquettes can be burned up to 30 minutes with an average temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. In the bulk, one kilogram of briquettes can be used to cook more than four hours. The same time when cooking with kerosene stoves. From these data it can be seen that the value of the briquettes ekoeffisiensi large enough decrease in operating expenses, other than by using these shells is the use of re (Reuse) of discarded waste materials (Waste Products) so that in addition to reducing waste (Reduce) On the one sides can reduce environmental pollution and on the other hand can make money.
(source: onlinebuku)
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