List of Foods that Help to Lower Cholesterol
List of foods that help to lower cholesterol can be a long list of foods. By knowing what list of foods that help to lower cholesterol are better for your health. We all know that butter, ice cream, and fatty meats raise cholesterol, but do you know which foods make up a low cholesterol diet?
Here’s some good news. To lower your cholesterol, you can actually eat more of certain foods. A handful of some “functional foods” have been shown to make a big impact on your cholesterol levels. They’re also much tastier than a pill chased with a glass of water.
The list of foods that help to lower cholesterol:
Baked goods:
Whole grain or enriched breads and rolls; low-fat or homemade muffins, pancakes, waffles, and biscuits using polyunsaturated margarine or oil and non-fat milk.
Home recipes use weekly egg allowance or use egg whites and egg substitutes.
Corn, soft flour made with unsaturated oils.
Pasta & Rice:
Noodles, spaghetti, macaroni, brown rice (preferred), white rice, wild riceCereals: cooked or dry (unsweetened preferred), oats and bran, barleyCrackers/Snacks: unsalted crackers, pretzels, popcorn prepared with air popper or mono/polyunsaturated oil.
Lean meats:
Trim visible fat, limit to one 3 oz serving per meat, five meals per week, beef (round, sirloin, chuck, loin, super lean hamburg/ground beef); lamb (leg, arm, loin); pork (tenderloin, fresh leg, shoulder-arm, picnic); veal (all trimmed cuts except commercially ground).
Chicken and turkey with skin removed.
Egg whites and low cholesterol egg substitutes; Step-1 limit, 4 egg yolks per week; Step-2 limit, one egg yolk per week.
Organ meats:
Liver for Step-1, limit to one 3 to 4 oz serving per week in place of one whole egg.
Swordfish, mackerel, albacore tuna, salmon, walleye, pollack, blue; Step-1: shrimp, eel, oysters, squid limited to one serving per week.
Cheese:Step-1: skim or part-skim milk cheese such as mozzarella, ricotta, bakers, farmers, hoop, low-fat (1%) cottage cheese, and pot cheese; special low-fat/low cholesterol cheeses.
Step-2: low-fat (1%) cottage cheese, pot cheese, part-skim ricotta, Weight Watchers, Swiss. Elk, deer (venison), pheasant, rabbit, wild duck, squirrel.
Dried beans, peas, lentils; tofu; peanut butter – limit to 2 Tbsp a day.
Skim, non-fat (fluid, powered, evaporated, condensed), buttermilk, lactose-reduced, and sweet acidophilus made from skim milk.
Made from skim or non-fat milk.
Only those containing polyunsaturated oils.

More list of foods that help to lower cholesterol:
Fruits and vegetables.
Vegetables: fresh, frozen, or low-sodium canned; low-sodium tomato and vegetable juices.
Fruit: fresh, unsweetened dried fruits; canned or frozen packed in water, own juice or light syrup preferred; all fruit juices (unsweetened preferred).
Polyunsaturated fats:
Sunflower, safflower, corn, soybean, cottonseed, sesame oils; monounsaturated fats canola, olive, peanut oils.
Made with unsaturated fats, with liquid oil the first ingredient; tub margarine preferred over stick.
Salad dressings:
Made with unsaturated oils.
Seeds and nuts:
Unsalted pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, any nuts not on the avoid list.
Homemade baked goods made with unsaturated oils or margarine, skim or 1% milk, and egg substitute or egg whites; gelatin; angel food cake; ginger snaps; fruit ice, fruit whips, sorbet, sherbet – lime two 1/2 cup servings per week; low-fat frozen desserts; puddings, custards, or junkets made with non-fat milk and egg allowances.
Sparkling or mineral water, seltzer, club soda – unsweetened preferred; coffee; tea; PostumSoups & sauces: fat-free, low-salt broth, consomme, and bouillon; homemade soup skimmed of fat; cream soup and sauces made with non-fat milk and fat allowance.
Other: spices, herbs, pepper, lemon juice, garlic & onion powder, Tabasco, catsup, mustard, vinegar, relishes, jam, jelly, marmalade (unsweetened).
More effective ways to lower cholesterol levels, considering seeking the advice of a nutritionist. With the list of foods that help to lower cholesterol above you can make a balanced menu and control your cholesterol level.
(source: dietcenterUSA)
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